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Fullvärdiga medlemmar/ "Full Members"

ALTE Full Members are institutions that produce language tests in an official language of the country where the institution is established. This includes both spoken and sign languages. In order to become ALTE Members, they must undergo a strict ALTE audit of at least one of their qualifications, and success in an audit results in a Q-Mark being awarded for that (those) qualification(s). To check which qualifications have the Q-Mark, please see the ALTE Framework on our Q-Mark page.




"usko Jaurlaritza" basiska

HABE (Institute for the teaching of Basque and Basque Language Literacy to Adults) part of the Basque Government, is responsible for a number of programmes designed to teach the Basque language in Basque Country autonomous community for all people aged 16 and above, including in-service retraining of teachers of Basque and by awarding grants for the creation of Basque language teaching materials. HABE manages the international general Basque language examinations from A1 to C2 within The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

"Department for Language Teaching and International Students, University of Sofia St Kliment Ohridski"


"Department for Language Teaching and International Students" (DLTIS) vid "Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski" erbjuder kurser i bulgariska och bulgarisk kultur för utländska studenter bosatta i landet eller för dem som ansöker om bulgariskt medborgarskap, de erbjuder även kurser för översättare. "DLTIS" erbjuder tre slags prov i bulgariska: ett standardprov i bulgariska som främmande språk; ett test i affärsbulgariska; ; och ett prov i bulgariska för utländska studenter.

"Generalitat de Catalunya" katalanska "Generalitat de Catalunya" har bland sina språkpolicymål ett system för att testa och certifiera katalanska genom prov. De genomför sin examinationspolitik genom två officiella organ: "General Directorate for Language Policy", som är en del av "Ministry of Culture" i Katalonien och "Institut Ramon Llull, utanför den del av Katalonien som pratar katalanska. "General Directorate" är ansvariga för att utveckla kursprogram i katalanska och är även ansvariga för vuxnas inlärning och användning av katalanska. "Institut Ramon Llull", är å andra sidan ett konsortium , där den viktigaste medlemmen är "Generalitat de Catalunya", som främjar studier och undervisning i katalanska vid universitet och andra utbildningsanordnare runt om i världen. Institutet är ansvarigt för att bedöma och tillhandahålla certifikat av studenters språkfärdighet i katalanska utanför det område där katalanska används.
"Charles University" tjeckiska

Within Charles University, Prague, the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies (ILPS) provides Czech language instruction and testing for foreigners through language courses, distance learning, research, and professional activities such as writing textbooks and teacher training. The Czech Language Certificate Exam (CCE), provided by ILPS, is designed not only for Charles University students, but also for all foreigners age 16 and over who want or need to prove their level of competence in the Czech language, and is recognized by most Czech and foreign employers and by some universities and colleges. 

The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI)


The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI), The Ministry for Foreigners and Integration, is in charge of the development and administration of the Danish language and citizenship tests nationwide. We develop Danish language tests for immigrants that measure Language proficiency at the CEFR-levels A1-minus to C1 and citizenship tests that are compulsory requirements for obtaining e.g. open-ended residence permit or citizenship. We also supervise language provision by local authorities, language centres conducting teaching and testing of Danish as a Second Language, language teachers of Danish as a Second Language and other external stakeholders.

For more information, visit:

"Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal" holländska

The Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal (CNaVT), or Certificate of Dutch as a Foreign Language, is a project commissioned by the Taalunie (the Dutch Language Union). The CNaVT exams are developed at the Centre for Language and Education of KU Leuven, the University of Leuven and the Radboud University Nijmegen.

CNaVT operates under the auspices of the Nederlandse Taalunie. This intergovernmental organisation aims to strengthen the international position of the Dutch language by creating an infrastructure for a joint language policy, and by integrating the Dutch speaking people in the Netherlands and Suriname with the Dutch speaking (Flemish) community in Belgium.

The CNaVT certifies language proficiency of Dutch as a foreign language worldwide, using task based and domain specific exams related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CNaVT exams are organized all around the world for (young) adults who want to prove their language proficiency in Dutch with an internationally recognized certificate.

"Cambridge Assessment English"

En del av universitetet i Cambridge, som hjälper miljoner människor att lära sig engelska och bevisa sina färdigheter i resten av världen. För oss, är att lära sig engelska mer än bara prov och betyg. Det handlar om att ha självförtroende nog att kommunicera och genom det få ett livslångt rikare liv och fler möjligheter.Med det rätta stödet, är lärande av ett språk en givande resa.Vi finns där med inlärarna, varje steg på vägen.

Vi tillhandahåller ett världsledande omfång av kvalifikationer och prov för inlärare och lärare i engelska:"Cambridge English Qualifications, Linguaskill, IELTS, Cambridge English Teaching". Våra kvalifikationer och prov är globalt erkända och förser engelskan med språkfärdigheter för att kunna kommunicera och lyckas i den verkliga världen.

LanguageCert engelska

LanguageCert – an innovative Ofqual regulated Awarding Organisation – develops and delivers high-quality, internationally recognised language exams that enhance the career, education and life opportunities of individuals worldwide. In LanguageCert, we assess language skills through a variety of delivery methods, where exams can be taken οnline with remote, live proctoring, or at a test centre in computer or paper-based format. Our remote online delivery offers greater access to testing as it is available from anywhere in the world, every day 24/7. Approved by the UK Home Office, LanguageCert delivers reliable and high-quality SELT exams covering all visa type requirements to live, work or study in the UK. Our exams portfolio is also accepted worldwide as evidence of English language proficiency, by an ever-growing number of universities and organisations in over 90 countries.

LanguageCert is part of the PeopleCert group which has delivered more than 7 million exams to date in over 200 countries and has been a pioneer in Online (live) proctored exams, since 2013. The language certification business represents the company's fastest developing area of operations, growing annually by 50% on average over the last 3 years. Currently, more than 500,000 candidates are preparing to take a LanguageCert exam globally, with Chinese, South Asian and European markets leading in candidature.

"Trinity College London" engelska

"Trinity College" i London är en registrerad ideel organisation som erbjuder prov och lärarutbildningskvalifikationer genom "ESOL" and "TESOL", men även utbildning i musik, retorik och drama inom Storbritanien, i Europa och i hela världen.

Education and Youth Board (Harno)

The Education and Youth Board (Harno) is a government agency of the Ministry of Education and Research that deals with the implementation of Estonian education and youth policy. Our goal is to offer Estonian people high-quality, modern, and equally accessible educational opportunities. We are organizing national and International exams, tests and studies for collecting objective and comparative data on Estonian education. The Estonian language proficiency examinations are used to test the knowledge of Estonian as the official language. Proficiency examinations (offered at four levels – CEFR A2, B1, B2, C1) are intended for those who wish to apply for citizenship of the Republic of Estonia and/or in whose position it is required to prove the level of proficiency in the Estonian language.

Jyväskylän yliopisto ja Opetushallitus finska

"Yleiset kielitutkinnot – the National Certificate of Language Proficiency" – är ett provsystem för vuxna som innefattar prov på många språk, bland dem finska. Provet i finska som andraspråk har konstruerats som svar på det ökade antalet migranter och flyktingar som behöver lära sig finska och behovet av att kunna bedöma deras språkfärdigheter. Utvecklingen av "National Certificat" är en gemensam ideellt projekt mellan "University of Jyväskylä" och "Finnish National Board of Education", som förmedlar utbildningsutveckling, utvärdering och information till beslutsfattare, lärare, skolrektorer och ägare av skolor.

France Éducation international (FEI)

France Éducation international (FEI) is part of the French Ministry of Education and offers French language training courses for teachers and teacher trainers in French as a foreign language. It also helps in the development of educator's websites and portals; offers DELF and DALF, two official diplomas for foreigners in French as a foreign language; and offers TCF, a standardised test, open to all candidates, designed to evaluate their current skills in French. FEI has expertise in the design of training courses for foreign educational administrators, supports foreign language teaching and international and bilingual classes in France, and organises exchange and language assistants programmes.

Le français des affaires


Le français des affaires / French for Business is part of the educational group of CCI Paris Ile-de-France. Its activity focuses on professional communication skills for foreigners who use French in their activities and for French companies established abroad which require French speaking personnel. Le français des affaires offers general French language skills assessment via the Test d'évaluation de Français (TEF), along with business and professional French skills assessment through  a set of certificates, the Diplômes de français professionnel / Diplomas in French for Professions.

"Xunta de Galicia galiciska

"Secretaría Xeral de Política Lingüística" (SXPL), är en acdelning av "Xunta de Galicia" (the autonomous government of Galicia) och uppmuntrar användandet av galiciska språket i hela Galicien samt skapar lagstiftning för att främja de galiciska språket. En rad prov för vuxna har konstruerats för att kunna bedöma kommunikativ språkfärdighet och lingvistisk kompetens i galiciska. Dessa prov går under namnet CELGA  ("Certificado de Lingua Galega"), eller  "'Certificate of Galician Language'") och är uppdelade i fem steg med ökande svårighetsgrad.

AFU GmbH German 

AFU Privates Bildungsinstitut GmbH is the German member of the European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages. As a full member of the ECL Consortium, AFU GmbH is responsible for the construction and development of ECL language tests in German as well as the evaluation of candidates’ written responses.

The ECL German language examination is a monolingual, paper-based exam designed to assess general language proficiency at four CEFR levels: A2, B1, B2 and C1. The tests separately assess the four main language activities (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in life-like situations and contexts.

The ECL German examination is offered internationally, and the assessment is officially acknowledged and state-accredited within the Hungarian educational system by the Accreditation Board for Foreign Language Examinations.

Besides language test development, AFU GmbH facilitates integration courses and functions as a certified exam centre for ECL language exams. In 2005, the institution was approved by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

"TestDaF-Institut" tyska

The TestDaF-Institut belongs to g.a.s.t. (Society for Academic Study Preparation and Test Development), a registered non-profit association affiliated to the University of Hagen and the Ruhr-University Bochum. The institute conducts research in language testing, provides consultancy, and offers training workshops in language test development and performance assessment. Further core tasks include developing, implementing, and evaluating the TestDaF (Test of German as a Foreign Language). The TestDaF is used for admissions purposes at institutions of higher education in Germany. Currently, there are two TestDaF versions, paper-based and web-based. Further tests offered by g.a.s.t. are the onSET, an internet-delivered placement test measuring general language proficiency (German, English), and the TestAS (Test for Academic Studies), a scholastic aptitude test used by universities to assess the suitability of candidates for studies of higher education in specific subjects. g.a.s.t. also runs the e-learning platform Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO), offering German language courses and optional tutorial support at the CEFR levels A1-C1.

"OSD" ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch") tyska

"OSD" ("Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch") grundades 1994 på initiativ av ansvariga myndigheter i Österrike. Det är en internationellt erkänt prov och bedömning av tyska som främmande språk/ tyska som andraspråk. För närvarande ges "ÖSD-exams" på mer än 400 "ÖSD" examinationscenter i hela världen.

För närvarande ges "ÖSD-exams" på nivåerna A1–C2 i överensstämmelse med “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR). "ÖSD" ser sig självt som kommunikativt orienterat examinationssytem vars mål är att bedöma främmande språkkompetens i verkliga livet.

Men hänsyn till den pluricentriska konstitutionen som existerar i Tyskland så räknar "ÖSD" med olika varianter av tyska så som tyska talad i Österrike, Tyskland och Schweiz. Det betyder att speciellt de receptiva färdigheterna (hörförståelse och läsfärdighet) baseras på texter från alla tre tyskspråkiga länderna.

"Goethe-Institut" tyska

The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. With our network of Goethe-Instituts, Goethe Centres, cultural societies, reading rooms as well as exam and language learning centres, we have been the first point of contact for many with Germany for over seventy years.

Our examinations cover all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): starting at A1 for beginners to C2 for the most advanced language learners. Our examinations are offered in more than 500 centres worldwide. Since 2019 we also carry out digital exams at selected examination centres.

The certificates of the Goethe-Institut are accepted as evidence of German language skills by employers and educational institutions in many countries throughout the world. They are used for assessing German language competence in the context of migration and integration, family reunion and citizenship application.

"telc GmbH" tyska

"telc gGmbHSom" erbjuder, som en kompetent och erfaren partner för standardiserade bedömningsmetoder, högkvalitativa språkprov. "telc" – språkprov är länkade till "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (CEFR). Vi erbjuder mer än 80 prov på tio språk. "telc" och språkproven finns inom följande domäner:

  • Allmän användning: För dem som främst använder det främmande språket privat
  • Utbildning: För skolor och universitet
  • Arbete: Arbetsrelaterade och specialiserade LSP certifikat för dem som behöver språket i sitt arbete
  • Migration: Andraspråkscertifikat som ett krav för visa, uppehållstillstånd och medborgarskap

"telc gGmbH" är ett dotterföretag till "German Adult Education Association" (DVV).

The Foreign Language Centre, University of Pécs Hungarian 

The Foreign Language Centre at the University of Pécs, Hungary, constructs the ECL tests in Hungarian language and organises the administration of the exams worldwide. The exam measures general written and oral language ability used in everyday discourse based on the achievement of communicative goals at varying degrees of complexity, in line with the scopes and topics recommended by the CEFR. The Foreign Language Centre offers the ECL exams at four levels (CEFR A2, B1, B2, C1).

The Centre is responsible for assessing and providing certification of students’ knowledge of Hungarian. The official certificates of Hungarian as a foreign language are valid for enrolment in Hungarian universities and colleges. Among the examination sites there are universities, Hungarian Culture Centres, heritage language schools and other educational institutions. The Foreign Language Centre is involved in conducting research in Hungarian as a foreign language, training item writers and oral assessors, and providing in-service teacher training courses.

"Centre for Irish Language": Forskning, undervisning och testning vid "National University of Ireland Maynooth" irländska

"Centre for "Irish Language Research, Teaching and Testing at the National University of Ireland" (NUI) Maynooth genomför forskning inom språktestning, undervisning, språktestning av irländska, språkpolicy, flerspråkighet och lingvistkorpus. De tillhandahåller undervisning i irländska på universitetsnivå och även för allmänheten, både nationellt och internationellt, och erbjuder en mängd irländska språkprogram som leder till "NUI" kvalifikationer. De sköter och hanterar "Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge" (teg) provsystem.

CVCL, Università per Stranieri Perugia italienska

"Faculty of Italian Language and Culture of the Università per Stranieri di Perugia" erbjuder många kurser i italienska och italiensk kultur, inkluderat specialiserade kurser, repetitionskurser, kurser på grundexamen nivå och kurser på doktorandnivå. Certifikationsavdelningen har utvecklat prov på fem olika nivåer för att kunna bedöma inlärare av italienska som främmande språk. Ett av de största ansvarsområdena för avdelningen är design och konstruktion av språkfärdighetstest och de är även ansvariga för implementeringen av bedömningsprogram och att främja både tillämpad och teoretisk forskning.

"Lituanistinių studijų katedra, Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva" litausiska

Institutionen för studier i litauiska vid Vilnius Universitet erbjuder studieprogram i litauiska som andraspråk och som främmande språk, såväl som litauisk kultur, för både lokala och internationella studenter. Institutionen fokuserar på metodikutveckling, kursplanering och läroboksförfattande och har en konstruktionsgrupp som konstruerar prov och är involverade i undervisning och testning av litauiska som främmande språk inom ALTE:s ramverk, de tränar också konstruktörer av item och testadministratörer och tillhandahåller lärarutbildning för lärare på plats.

"Institut National des Langues" luxemburgiska

The Institut National des Langues (INL), established by the Ministry of Education, promotes both the national and foreign languages through the organisation of courses for adults and young adults. In order to meet the demand for language instruction in Luxembourg, where nearly half of the population comes from abroad, the INL provides language teaching for general and vocational purposes, and is responsible for the organisation of examinations and the certification of communicative competence in Luxembourgish.

Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) is responsible for language and knowledge of society education for adult immigrants. We develop curricula and tests of Norwegian language and knowledge of society.

The Norwegian Language Test (Norskprøven) is developed by the Department of Norwegian Language Tests at HK-dir. The test has four independent parts: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. The first three of these are digital. The test covers the CEFR levels A1-B2 and is used as the final exam for the introductory language courses for immigrants. The test is also taken by people who need to document their language skills for education, work or citizenship. In addition, we offer a C1-level test (Norskprøven C1 – høyere akademisk nivå). This test has two parts, each integrating two skills: reading and speaking, and listening and writing.

"Uniwersytet Jagiellonski"

"Center for Polish Language and Culture in the World of the Jagiellonian University" erbjuder akademiska program för att kunna undervisa polska som främmande språk för studenter vid "Faculty of Polish Studies" och även kurser i polska och polsk kultur för utländska studenter. Centret var mycket involverade i den tidiga utvecklingen av examinationssystemet i polska som främmande språk, beställt av det polska utbildnings- sportministeriet, och proven erbjuds nu på tre språkfärdighetsnivåer.


Portuguese was represented in ALTE by the University of Lisbon's Department of Portuguese Language and Culture from 1990 to 1997. In 1998, CAPLE-ULisboa was founded in the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. CAPLE-ULisboa is involved in the production and delivery of the CEFR six level examinations and for the validation of the candidates' performances. CAPLE-ULisboa runs a net of examination centres located in various organisations. Portuguese exams are administered in three international sessions.

"BBU-RCI Consortium for Testing Romanian as a Foreign Language"


The Department of Romanian language, culture and civilization is part of the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and it has educated and assessed students in Romanian as a foreign language (RFL) for more than 40 years. The Romanian Cultural Institute in Bucharest serves, through its numerous centres as a true ambassador of our language and culture.

The two institutions have created the BBU-RCI Consortium for Testing Romanian as a Foreign Language, offering examinations in the levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, linked to the CEFR. They test oral and written receptive and productive abilities, including also a component of elements of communication construction (grammar and vocabulary).   

Univerza v Ljubljani slovenska

The Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language, which operates under the auspices of the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, is the central organisation in the field of Slovene as a second and foreign language. The Centre’s activities comprise among others: teaching Slovene as a L2 and FL (adult learners as well as young learners) in Slovenia and abroad, assessing and certifying Slovene as a L2 and FL and developing methodology of teaching and testing, training of teachers, examiners, item writers, publishing course books, etc.

"Instituto Cervantes"

"Diplomas in Spanish" (DELE), skapades 1988 av utbildningsministeriet (RD 826/88), och är en officiell kvalifikation som intygar språkfärdighet i spanska, utfärdat av "Instituto Cervantes" på uppdrag av utbildningsministeriet, kultur och sport i Spanien. "Instituto Cervantes" har, via "Royal Decree" (RD 1137/2002), hand om den akademiska, administrativa och den finansiella sidan av "DELE". "Instituto Cervantes" är en statlig organisation som främjar det spanska språket och kulturen i utlandet och är ansvariga för administrationen av "DELE" examinationer i hela världen.

"DELE" prov har utarbetats genom att följa "Guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (CEFR) och "Manual for Relating Language Examinations to the CEFR" av "Council of Europe".

"Universidad de Salamanca"

"Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca" samarbetar med "Instituto Cervantes" i utvecklingen och konstruktionen av testmaterial som behövs för "Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language" (DELE), och är även ansvariga för helhetsutvärderingen av "DELE" prov och examination som finns över hela världen.

In 2015, the "University of Salamanca" utarbetade 2015 "International Spanish Language Evaluation Service" (SIELE) ett digitalt certifikatssystem för nivåbehärskning av spanska. Deltagare i detta projekt var "Instituto Cervantes", "Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México" och "Universidad de Buenos Aires".

"Cursos Internacionales" konstruerade även "LanguageCert USAL esPro test", en spansk certifikation för att avgöra färdighetsnivån i spanska når upp till det som krävs yrkesmässigt. Provet administreras öcer hela världen av den digital partnern "PeopleCert", även om samarbetspartnern är "LanguageCert".

Stockholms universitet svenska

Stockholm University is represented by two national tests. The Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism at Stockholm University is responsible for producing, developing and implementing Tisus (Test in Swedish for university studies) at the request of the Swedish government. Tisus replaced the former Rikstestet in 1997. The test is taken by approximately 1,200 candidates a year all over the world for admission to higher education in Sweden.

The National Test of Swedish for Adult Immigrants (Sfi-provet) has been given since 1996 on behalf of the National Agency for Education. It is produced and developed at the Department of Language Education at Stockholm University. The test is taken all over Sweden by approximately 60 000 candidates a year and it covers three different levels of language proficiency, from beginners to intermediate.

Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Turkish 

Yunus Emre Institute (YEE), the cultural institution of the Republic of Türkiye, was established as a public foundation in 2007 and started operating in 2009 with the aims of building connections between Turkey and other countries, increasing awareness of Turkish culture, supporting the learning of the Turkish language and stimulating greater exchange in the fields of arts, culture, science and education. The Institute, named after the famous 13th century Turkish Sufi Poet Yunus Emre, has 64 branches in 53 countries and 100 contact points in 50 countries as of January 2022. Since 2013, the Exam Centre of the YEE has launched a CEFR-based international examination called “Türkçe Yeterlik Sınavı” (TYS) in accordance with the proficiency definitions and standards of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) are assessed in the TYS. The exam fulfills the objective of measuring and documenting the Turkish language proficiency of individuals who learn Turkish as a foreign or second language. 

For more information:

Ministry of National Education, Türkiye


Turkish  The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) is the main authority in education in Türkiye and is a state institution responsible for all educational activities. With a long history, the primary mission of MoNE is to adopt a constantly evolving approach in education and teaching. Since its establishment, MoNE has been shaping the Turkish education system, providing contemporary and high-quality education to students, and carrying out various studies to train individuals who will compete at national and international levels. One of these studies is the Test of Turkish Four Skills (TDBS), which aims to preserve and promote the Turkish language. TDBS measures the Turkish language proficiency of adults learning Turkish as a foreign language and defines the Turkish language proficiency levels of candidates.
"Cyd-Bwyllgor Addysg Cymru" welsiska

"WJEC-CBAC" är huvudsakligen ansvariga för utbildningsärenden i Wales, det inkluderar även examination för skolor, lärarutbildning och att utarbeta undervisningsmaterial. "WJEC-CBAC" tillhandahåller kvalifikationer, speciellt för vuxna inlärare, av welsiska som andraspråk, i något som kallas 'Defnyddio'r Gymraeg' eller 'Using Welsh'.

 ALTE - the Association of Language Testers in Europe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered in England, charity number 1184799.

Spanish Translation © Instituto Cervantes and University of Salamanca 2025 | French Translation © France Éducation International 2025 | Italian Translation © University for Foreigners, Perugia 2025 | Dutch Translation © CNaVT 2025 | Romanian Translation © Babeş-Bolyai University 2025 |  | Portuguese Translation © CAPLE-University of Lisbon 2025 | Swedish Translation © Stockholm University 2025 | Catalan Translation © Generalitat de Cataluyna 2025 | German Translation © Goethe Institut and ÖSD 2025

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